Roly-poly gall (Dryocosmus quercuspalutris) avoiding attempted parasitization by Ormyrus labotus
Digital, (14 x 10 inches)
Sleeping habits: Squash bee (Peponapis pruinosa) and Squash flower (Cucurbita pepo)
Colored pencil on coquille (14 x 11 inches)
Crypt-keeper wasp (Euderus set) emerging from host, gall wasp Bassettia pallida
Colored pencil on coquille (11 x 14 inches)
Galls of Salix lasiolepis: Pontania californica (Willow-apple-gall sawfly); Euura lasiolepis (Stem-gall sawfly); Rabdophaga rigidae (Beaked-twig gall midge)
Watercolor on paper (10 x 7 inches)
Coloradia pandora (Pandora pine moth)
Ink on paper (11 x 14 inches)
Daphnis nerii + Nerium oleander
Life cycle of the Oleander hawk moth with it’s host
Watercolor and ink on paper (14 x 11 inches)
Diagram: Healthy Brood Pattern in Colonies of Apis Mellifera (Western honey bee)
Digital (14 x 11 inches)
Heteropteryx dilatata (Giant thorny phasmid)
Graphite on paper (12 x 9 inches)
Interpretive panel:
NATURE IN BALANCE: The California oak moth, Coast live oak and Western flycatcher
Digital (24 x 36 inches)
Strawberry crown moth (larval stage) + Wild strawberry
Synanthedon bibionipennis + Fragaria virginiana
Colored pencil on coquille (14 x 11 inches)
Strawberry crown moth (imago) + Wild strawberry
Synanthedon bibionipennis + Fragaria virginiana
Colored pencil on coquille (14 x 11 inches)
Megachile texana (Leafcutter bee) and yin-yang beans
Watercolor on paper (7 x 10 inches)